Smt Maya Devi & Shri Kirpa Ram Kohli Educational Trust
About the Kohli Educational Trust

The trust aims to provide financial aid to needy, meritorious students for their education. 'Education' has a wide coverage right from school level to vocational training. We also provide a certain amount for research degrees and projects.
Shri Kirpa Ram Kohli

An academician par excellence. He dedicated himself completely to the education of needy and deprived children. He obtained his Master's degree in English Literature in 1914. His wife though not educated, supported him fully and stood by his side in his endeavours. The idea of this Trust was conceived by their children and grand children to perpetuate their memory and continue the noble tradition which they incited.

Smt. Maya Devi
Wife of Shri Kirpa Ram Kohli who fully supported him in his work.

Smt. Maya Devi & Shri Kripa Ram Kohli Educational Trust is Registerd Under Section 60 of the Registration Act,
Registration no. 2387 Book no,4  (2005-06) On 24/02/2005